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ICD-10 Code: I10 – Essential (Primary) Hypertension ICD-Code I10 is a billable ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of Essential (Primary) Hypertension. Its corresponding ICD-9 code is 401. Billable: Yes ICD-9 Code Transition: 401 Code I10 is the diagnosis code used for Essential (Primary) Hypertension.

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Launched in 1936, the BBC has evolved in perfect harmony with... Fashion TV Fashion TV (FTV) is international TV channel dedicated to fashion and trends. Founded in France in 1997 by Michel Adam Lizovski, Fashion TV has become one of the most popular satellite channels broadcasted all over the world. Fashion TV airs 24 hours a day and consist mostly the programs devoted to... Russia 24 Russia 24 (former VESTI television channel) - Russia's information channel. Russia 24's main objective is to provide viewers the latest information from all regions of the country. Russia 24 airs world's major news, as well as news of the economy, sports, culture, high technology, special reports, investigative,... TVN 24 Launched back on the ninth of August in 2001 TVN 42 has been the premiere news channel that broadcasts twenty four hours every day. As part of the TVN Network it has gained widespread popularity, particularly after the USA was attacked September 11, 2001 as the newly formed channel gave thorough coverage... Fox 5 Fox 5 news, or "WNYW Channel 5" is Fox-owned news channel transmitting over eastern United States and located in New York.

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'Self Publish' your novel There has never been a better time to become a novelist and get your book published - self publish it! Did you know that more books are self published today than those done using the traditional route? Why? well it has become very easy and is open to everyone. Historically In the past getting published was a hard task. The publishers were deluged with potential book manuscripts to read. Just getting your work appraised was a daunting task but for many it was worth the perseverance. It is reported that JK Rowling, although having employed a literary agent, had Harry Potter books by 12 different publishers when the manuscripts were first submitted in 1996. We all know how that story ended - so it was worth the struggle! Sixteen years later, things have changed and are definitely better for the aspiring novel writer. The racy 50 Shades Of Gray, written by EL James in 2011, was self published. It got to the top of The New York Times e-book and print bestseller lists.

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